What makes your happy while metal detecting?
Metal detecting (MD) is a fantastic pastime with more and more people discovering their special and happy ongoing journey every day. Here you will find detecting help, reference information and tips to make your detecting experience more enjoyable and happy.
Metal detecting (MD) is a fantastic pastime with more and more people discovering their special and happy ongoing journey every day. Here you will find detecting help, reference information and tips to make your detecting experience more enjoyable and happy.
“I have been metal detecting for the past 30 years now and have learnt a great deal along the way. From beginners to the more seasoned detectorist there will always be questions you may need answering and I hope that on this site you find what you are looking for. Please let me know if something is missing or would be useful to others. Happy detecting!”
Health & Happiness
Exercise & fresh air ・Physical & mentally rewarding experience ・Stimulates the mind & mediation ・Learning – stopping mental ageing ・Expert on all MD things ・Hobby ・Passion & Excitement ・Teaches responsibility
Detectors ・Headphones ・Digging tools ・Pin-pointers ・Clothing/bags ・Storage ・Books ・Miscellaneous ・Web sites ・UK MD Clubs ・Rules & Regulations ・Training links
Finding a valuable object ・Hoards ・Making money from your hobby ・Prospecting for gold ・ Promotes social interaction ・ Builds teamwork
Timelines & UK Monarchs ・ Pre-Roman, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval & Modern history & coins ・ Cleaning artefacts, map reading skills, books ・ New computer skills – Search engines, Facebook, YouTube